May’s Recipe: Crustless Quiche

Cape Cod B&B Recipe for May: Crustless Quiche

Crustless quiche. Photo Copyright (c) LVO'Connell 2008. All Rights Reserve.

Crustless Quiche. Photo LVO’Connell.

During our first year of inn keeping on the Cape we had a recipe for quiche that had a crust. I tried making my own crusts but they were crumbly on the top and soggy on the bottom. I then tried ready made crusts but they were no better. One day as we were struggling to make presentable plates before them to the dining room, our head housekeeper Linda, a 20 year veteran of the Cape Cod B&B industry, said, “I have a crust less quiche recipe that has been a winner.

We tried it and it has become one of our favorite breakfasts. It always comes out of the pie plate without a problem and as for looks and taste, it is a star. I also want to mention that frequently we have guests who are gluten intolerant and this recipe is gluten free.

Cape Cod Gourmet Recipe of the Month.

We make several different Cape Cod breakfast versions with vegetables and meats. These are some of our favorites.

  • Smoked salmon, and on the side we place a dollop of cream cheese, a few capers a sprig of dill, a small slice of salmon for color and a mini bagel.
  • Shiitake mushrooms and roasted red peppers. We serve one this with quartered campari tomatoes and a sprig of curly parsley from our herb garden. We then finish the plate with apple wood smoked bacon and a freshly baked buttermilk biscuit.
  • Sun dried tomatoes and fresh basil from the garden. This is one of my favorites to prepare because I harvest the basil at 6:00 am while the dew is still on the plants. Those mornings in the garden are one of my favorite times. The sun is warm, the birds are chirping, and the basil is wonderfully fragrant.  We serve this one with the apple wood smoked bacon, our home made cranberry tomato chutney and a piping hot corn muffin.

Folks ask me if I like being an innkeeper and my answer is a resounding yes. A Cape Cod Bed and Breakfast Inn has to be one of the nicest places on earth.

The year after we started making our new quiche recipe I had the opportunity to travel to England and China with one of our daughters. It was an absolutely spectacular trip of a lifetime. On that trip I was able to purchase several items for the inn. Among them are the pure silk comforters that can be found in several of our premium rooms during the winter months. The comforters are very light but deceptively warm on a cold winter’s night. The colors are rich and vibrant. They make some of our most elegant rooms even more special. While I was away, however, Bill was busy at work at the inn. Upon my return he told me that he had been concentrating on perfecting the quiche recipe and that from then on he would be making the all of the quiche. That was fine with me as long as he leaves it up to me to retrieve the basil on those magical mornings.

Go to our website for the full recipe.

A Sumptuous Start to Your Day on Cape Cod

Enjoy the dining experience at this Cape Cod Bed and Breakfast.

At The Palmer House Inn our two to four course Cape Cod Gourmet breakfasts are always an event. Sit in the sun dappled breakfast room, as the aroma of fresh brewed coffee fills the room and enjoy a delightful meal. We use the finest ingredients and local Cape Cod grown and produced foods. Meals usually consist of a fruit starter, followed by a sweet or savory main dish.

The Inn’s organic herb garden, called The Humble Innkeeper’s Garden, is one of the secluded nooks where you can spend time relaxing. Many of the garnishes for the breakfasts are picked each day from this garden to ensure top quality ingredients are used.

Palmer House favorites include:

Baked pears in brown sugar and spice followed by gingerbread pancakes with lemon sauce and crispy bacon, or Palmer House cranberry sorbet followed by atlantic salmon quiche with cream cheese and a bagel.


Recipe Book: Favorite Recipes of The Palmer House Inn

Favorite Recipes of the Palmer House Inn

Recipe Book

Sumptuous Sweet & Savory Breakfasts and Tasty Treats for Your Afternoon Tea

You can find this recipe and many more in the Inn’s recipe book, Favorite Recipes of The Palmer House Inn. Order a copy for yourself  (at, ). This 120 page (7×7 inches or 18×18 cm, printed four-color) book is a collection of traditional New England recipes and modern variations is beautifully illustrated with color photographs by L. V. O’Connell. With over 50 recipes and images of the Inn, this makes for a lovely memento of your visit to the Palmer House and the Cape.